Fun facts about pets

enzymes for pets

Pets in classrooms

Thanks to the Pet Care Trust Board’s Pet in the Classroom Grant Program, more than 500,000 elementary and middle school students on a daily basis get to interact with animals in their classrooms. That deserves a shout out!! good job.

How much do Americans spend on pet food each year?

In the U.S. we spent $20 billion in 2013. Trends in pet food Natural, Organic and even Gluten free. But always remember, processed food and cooked pet foods need digestive enzymes to get all the nutrition out of that food and help support the pancreas.

Insurance for your pet

Pet owners treat their pets like children fueling a $600 million industry in North America that’s growing at triple the pace of U.S. accident-and-health coverage!

Animal causes

If you donate to animal charities, you’re in good company. did a survey and more than 2,000 people in the U.S. found that animals are one of their top three charitable causes.


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