Why your pet needs lycopenes
Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and carotenoid that gives tomatoes and several other fruits and vegetables their red color. According to the American Cancer Society:
“Several scientific studies have found lower risk of cancer among people who eat lycopene-rich foods.”
In addition, researchers have found tomato lycopenes hold one of the most powerful antioxidants that neutralize harmful free radicals.
Pet-Enzymes Plus®
Pet-Enzymes Plus® contains Tomato Lycopenes for the antioxidants your pets need. Just 1 to 2 treats a day on an empty stomach provides maintenance care for large or small pets.
Bonus: Pet-Enzymes Plus® has 14 synergistic pain fighting ingredients for a systemic enzyme relief and allergy formula for your pet.
For More Info Featured Formula: Pet-Enzymes Plus®