How to choose a digestive enzyme for your pet

enzymes for pets

Make sure to get a complete enzyme product that offers only vegetarian sourced enzymes. Avoid animal based enzyme products with names like pancreatin, ox bile, trypsin and chymotrypsin. These are old fashioned and are harvested by juicing the organs of pig and cow cadavers from slaughter houses. Pancreatic enzymes have an activity level limited to a […]

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How digestive enzymes work

enzymes for pets

In our last article we discussed why digestive enzymes are important and in fact crucial to your dog or cat’s diet. This week we discuss: How Digestive Enzymes Work Each digestive enzyme works to digest something different. There are enzymes that break down fats, enzymes that break down carbohydrates, enzymes that break down protein, dairy, […]

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Why your pet needs digestive enzymes

enzymes for pets

In the wild an animal’s diet contains: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, probiotics and enzymes– at every meal. To keep our pets healthy and thriving, we give them the best quality pet food we can find. (For more information, see our last post, What Nutrients Do My Pets Need?) How can we make that commercially manufactured food […]

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New research about pumpkin for your dog

pumpkin for dogs

Fall. What do you think of when you hear that delicious word? For many of us, we think of pumpkin spice, cinnamon pine cones burning in the fire, and warm sugar cookies baking in the oven. The markets are filled with pumpkins and baked goods and people everywhere are scouring the internet looking for scrumptious […]

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Does my dog need vegetables?

vegetarian enzymes

You need vegetables to maintain a healthy diet, but does your dog? Carbohydrates are needed for the brain, thyroid and liver to function optimally. Vegetables provide dogs with essential nutrients they aren’t likely to get from other sources. Vegetables and greens can also help maintain a good pH balance, which is thrown off by an […]

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Total-Zymes® Plus™ helps German shepherd, Shay!

total-zymes plus

  This beautiful letter was sent in to us last week from pet owner, Cara Fusinato. We’re so excited to share it, and know you will be happy to read about how Total-Zymes® Plus™ changed her pup’s life for the better! Shay is my 2-1/2-year-old German Shepherd mix. Just before his second birthday he started […]

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Featured formula: Total-Zymes®

enzymes for pets

  What is Total-Zymes®? Total-Zymes® is a digestive enzyme supplement formulated specifically for dogs and cats. Because the product is so versatile and of the highest quality, the product is safe for use on birds, bunnies, horses and even humans.  (Read the Article: What are “Human Grade” Pet Products?) What are digestive enzymes? Digestive enzymes […]

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