Antibiotics vs probiotics

total biotics

While not always the first choice for a natural pet owner, antibiotics can at times be critical to your pet’s life. If you have found yourself in this situation rest assured there is a holistic approach to make supplementing with antibiotics less stressful on your pet’s system. A clear understanding of antibiotics and probiotics is […]

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Supplement with probiotics to reverse the effects of antibiotics


If your veterinarian has had your pet on a lengthy regimen of heavy duty antibiotics, you are likely to find that the antibiotics will leave your pet’s digestive system in complete disarray. The problem is not only do antibiotics kill off the bad bacteria, but they have an unintended side effect in that they also […]

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Natural supplements for dogs with warts

probiotics for pets

If your dog has warts and they are not bothersome, we recommend leaving them as is and going the “natural route” to get rid of them. Below we will offer some natural home remedies for relieving your dog of warts, including two all natural supplements you’ll want to include in your natural wart removal plan. […]

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