Tips to workout with your dog
Want to make time to exercise and get in a little play time with your pet? Try out one of these fun ways to work out with your dog.
Generally we don’t think of playing fetch as a calorie burning activity- until now! Try this new twist: After you throw the ball, race your pet! See who can get to the ball first. Take a break, play a little tug-o-war and throw the ball again. Play for just 30 minutes and you will burn an average of 200 calories depending on your body type and age.
There are so many beaches that are pet friendly, especially during the winter season. Grab a leash, and hit the beach! Walking on the sand adds resistance to your walk and makes for a great butt and thigh workout. In just 30 minutes, you can burn around 150 calories. Read more about beach safety for your pet here.
Take your dog out to a hiking trail. The inclines and declines of hills create great resistance for your legs. Remember to keep your walking pace fast so that you can raise your heart rate. If there are no hiking trails nearby or you just prefer to stay local a big hilly park will work just as well. Run up steeper hills to really get your heart pumping, and walk down. Burn 400 calories for every hour of play time.