September 20, 2017 / by dev2host / Bloat, Candida & Yeast, Digestion, Human Grade, Immune System, Probiotics, Total-Biotics®
Probiotics 101 Q: What are probiotics? A: Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for your pet’s health. They live in areas such as the mouth, stomach, intestines, colon, bladder, and genitals. Q: What are the benefits of supplementing with probiotics? A: Probiotics support Digestion Gas and bloating Diarrhea or loose stools Constipation Oral health […]
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How to exercise with your pet
January 16, 2018 / by dev2host / Exercise, Summer, Weight Management, Winter
Want to make time to exercise and get in a little play time with your pet? Try out one of these fun ways to work out with your dog. Go for a run It has been estimated that dogs need between 30 and 120 minutes of exercise each day depending on their age, breed, size, and overall […]
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Everything you need to know about probiotics for pets
September 20, 2017 / by dev2host / Bloat, Candida & Yeast, Digestion, Human Grade, Immune System, Probiotics, Total-Biotics®
Probiotics 101 Q: What are probiotics? A: Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for your pet’s health. They live in areas such as the mouth, stomach, intestines, colon, bladder, and genitals. Q: What are the benefits of supplementing with probiotics? A: Probiotics support Digestion Gas and bloating Diarrhea or loose stools Constipation Oral health […]
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Why vegetarian enzymes are better for your pet
September 6, 2017 / by dev2host / Digestion, Digestive Enzymes, Total-Zymes®, Total-Zymes® Plus™
There are two main types of digestive enzymes that you can get for your pet: Animal based Vegetarian based So what’s the difference, and why do we ONLY offer vegetarian digestive enzymes at NWC Naturals® Pet Products? Animal based (non-vegetarian) enzymes If the ingredients list on your pet’s enzyme product contains the words “pancreatin” or “pancri-” […]
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Can I give himalayan crystal salt to my pet?
February 15, 2017 / by dev2host / Digestion, Food For Pets, Fun Facts, Human Grade
Can I give Himalayan Crystal Salt to my pet? According to the answer is yes! They write: Just as with humans, the natural crystal salt will have its positive effect on the animal body. A few drops in your pet’s food will increase the vitality and strengthen the immune system of your pet or […]
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Want to be featured on our blog?
October 12, 2016 / by dev2host / About, Featured Store, Fun Facts
If you have a pet supply store and would like to be featured on our blog send us the following: Your store name and contact information Store hours and/or website A photo of your store or screen shot of your website A short paragraph about your store and what customers can expect when they shop […]
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Fun facts about pets
October 26, 2015 / by dev2host / Fun Facts
Pets in classrooms Thanks to the Pet Care Trust Board’s Pet in the Classroom Grant Program, more than 500,000 elementary and middle school students on a daily basis get to interact with animals in their classrooms. That deserves a shout out!! good job. How much do Americans spend on pet food each year? In […]
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4 common dog myths- busted!
June 22, 2015 / by / Pet Facts
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks Not true. You can teach an adult dog new tricks. First keep the training sessions short and fun use plenty of positive reinforcements including praise and treats. Dogs are sick when their noses are warm Again, not true. The temperature of the nose does not indicate […]
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Benefits of chia seeds for dogs and cats
June 8, 2015 / by / Omega 3
New research has surfaced showing that chia seeds can be very beneficial for dogs and cats. Here’s what you need to know about giving chia seeds to your pet: Benefits of supplementing with chia seeds The essential fatty acids (EFA’s) found in chia seeds not only give your pet a sleek coat and healthy skin, […]
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Why natural healing should be affordable
March 6, 2015 / by / Uncategorized
It has often been said that our pets give us more than we give them. They give us love, companionship, and make us laugh. Although our lives and day-to-day stresses are ever changing the loyalty of our pets remain. It’s clear to see then, why pet healthcare has grown ever more important. And as advocates […]
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Featured store: Nature’s Select Orange County
November 17, 2014 / by / Featured Store
In 1994, Paul & Diana Cavanaugh knew there was a better way to care for their dogs. Living in Orange County, California, they were at that forefront of health, wellness & natural food trends for themselves and their kids. But they knew something was missing from their pet food choices. In 1994 it was difficult […]
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