November 16, 2015 / by dev2host / Ear Care, Immune System, Lice, Skin Irritants
Lice aren’t just a human problem. There’s a canine variety. Like fleas, these flat, gray, wingless parasites may be small, but they can make your dog miserable. There are two types of canine lice: (a) Chewing lice– Attach themselves to the base of the dogs hair. They like moist areas like ears, genitals, anus, and skin […]
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5 things every pet with allergies needs
June 7, 2016 / by dev2host / Allergies, Digestive Enzymes, Ear Care, Food For Pets, Fun Facts, Immune System, Pet-Enzymes Plus®, Probiotics, Skin Irritants, Systemic Enzymes, Total-Biotics®, Total-Zymes®
If your pet has allergies and you are interested in natural solutions for your pet’s health- look no further! Below we share our top 5 ways to naturally treat a pet with allergies. 1.Try to prevent exposure to chemicals that can cause sensitivities Just like humans, pets can be allergic to certain soaps, detergents, or […]
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How to prevent canine lice naturally
December 7, 2015 / by dev2host / Digestion, Food For Pets, Fun Facts, Immune System, Lice, Probiotics, Skin Irritants, Total-Biotics®, Total-Zymes®
Lice are mainly spread through direct contact. People who frequently take their dogs to parks, doggy day care, and hiking trails can get lice. Dogs most prone to a lice infestations are those living in unclean or overcrowded environments or who are poorly nourished. Preventing Lice For a lice-free and happy dog, follow these simple […]
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Can my pet get lice?
November 16, 2015 / by dev2host / Ear Care, Immune System, Lice, Skin Irritants
Lice aren’t just a human problem. There’s a canine variety. Like fleas, these flat, gray, wingless parasites may be small, but they can make your dog miserable. There are two types of canine lice: (a) Chewing lice– Attach themselves to the base of the dogs hair. They like moist areas like ears, genitals, anus, and skin […]
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How Total-Zymes® and Total-Biotics® helped Goldie
February 25, 2015 / by / Allergies, Bloat, Candida & Yeast, Digestion, Digestive Enzymes, Immune System, Probiotics, Skin Irritants, Success Stories, Systemic Enzymes, Total-Biotics®, Total-Zymes®
This message was sent in from Joanie Shugar and Goldie: “I have a very allergic Labrador retriever. She just turned three years old. I had her skin tested and she is allergic to trees and some coastal shrubs. I give her allergy shots once a month. She was allergic to some ingredient which was in […]
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A 3 step plan to get rid of your dog’s warts naturally
December 22, 2014 / by / Ear Care, Immune System, Oral Hygeine, Oxy-pH Boost™, Probiotics, Skin Irritants, Total-Biotics®, Warts
Follow this 3 step plan to get rid of your dog’s warts naturally. 1) Double up on probiotics Give your pet 2 scoops of Total-Biotics® for every 1 cup of pet food at each meal. Do this every day until the warts disappear, then go back to normal dosing. After the warts are gone, maintain […]
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Natural supplements for dogs with warts
December 8, 2014 / by / Antibiotics, Immune System, Oral Hygeine, Oxy-pH Boost™, Probiotics, Skin Irritants, Total-Biotics®, Warts
If your dog has warts and they are not bothersome, we recommend leaving them as is and going the “natural route” to get rid of them. Below we will offer some natural home remedies for relieving your dog of warts, including two all natural supplements you’ll want to include in your natural wart removal plan. […]
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Featured formula: Total-Biotics®
February 24, 2014 / by / Candida & Yeast, Digestion, Featured Formulas, Immune System, Oral Hygeine, Probiotics, Total-Biotics®
What is Total-Biotics®? Total-Biotics® is a probiotic supplement formulated specifically for dogs and cats. Because the product is so versatile and of the highest quality, the product is safe for use on birds, bunnies, horses and even humans. (Read the Article: What are “Human Grade” Pet Products?) What are probiotics? Probiotics are live microorganisms, similar […]
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How to use Oxy-pH Boost™ For Pets
October 29, 2013 / by / Candida & Yeast, Ear Care, Immune System, Oral Hygeine, Probiotics, Skin Irritants, Tear Stains, Total-Biotics®
Oxy-pH Boost™ for Pets can be used both orally and topically to kill yeast, fungus, and bad bacteria. It helps alkalize the system and can be used to promote energy, endurance, and boost the immune system. Below are a few ways you may use Oxy-pH Boost™ for your pet depending on his specific needs. […]
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Featured formula: Total-Zymes®
July 2, 2013 / by / Digestion, Digestive Enzymes, Featured Formulas, Immune System, Stool Eating, Total-Zymes®
What is Total-Zymes®? Total-Zymes® is a digestive enzyme supplement formulated specifically for dogs and cats. Because the product is so versatile and of the highest quality, the product is safe for use on birds, bunnies, horses and even humans. (Read the Article: What are “Human Grade” Pet Products?) What are digestive enzymes? Digestive enzymes […]
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